Tuesday, August 31, 2010

'Who am I?' I ask myself... 'Exactly who you're supposed to be.' I reply.

Day Twenty. Your Favorite Kids Show.

Do you differentiate shows and movies? I do. But I can't choose. So I shall do both.

Lamb Chop. Wow. I don't know if yall have seen this show. [Am I old?!]
This show was GREAT. Her name was Shari, which was my grandmother's name
(I think I want to blog about her next),
and she looked a lot like my grandmother too.

This show was so cute and so fun. It entertained me as a child for sure.
This woman was splendid and charismatic.
She then died of cancer (as my grandma did), that was a sad day.
I'll love you forever Lamb chops!

Oh Aladdin.

ALADDIN. My favorite movie as a child, and still one of my favorites.

Sure, you'd expect me to love Cinderella or Snow White or Beauty and the Beast, just like every little girl who grew up in the 90s.

Nope. Me and my brother could watch this show for weeks on end and not tire of it. I love the thrill and the action and how Aladdin was different than all the rest of those stuck up princes. <3>

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day Nineteen. Free Write.

Oh how lovely! I love this. Today I went to the library and I just went book crazy. I love to read! Here is my reading list for this next week. It is going to be a lovely Labor Day Weekend up at our friend's cabin. Splendid.

Mmm. I can't wait to get crackin on these books.
But first off, I'm going to go running!
Get a fresh start.

Whether it's take a drive with your best friend and the windows down, have a chat with someone you don't know very well over ice cream, make a happy playlist on your ipod and go for a walk, paint --even if you aren't very artistic, bake a pie.

Go do something! Live your life. Get off this computer and stop feeling crappy.
Be the person you want to be.

"To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions." William James

My love to all. :) Start off fresh.
Laura Emily.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day Eighteen. The Last Film You Saw.

It was most definitely meh to say the least! It had it's good points though.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day Seventeen. Something I've Created.

My walls (:

Okay, so I didn't exactly 'create' them. But I did them all by myself with one freaking sponge. It took all day. And I was 11.
But ain't it awesome?
So yes, there's my creation. :)

Today was a great day. I got a new phone :) :) :) Yes yes yes. His name is Gelato.
May Ghetto rest in peace.
I love weekends. But real life starts again on Monday. :( How unfortunate.
Much love. Laura.

It slides out with a keyboard (: I love you Gelato!


Wow. Live life to the fullest.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Sixteen. A Photo You've Taken Today

Alright. So I had to hurry and take a picture because I haven't taken any pictures today, lame, I know.
But these are my keys. Don't mind the spoon and my wallet and ipod in the background.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Fifteen. 10 Songs That Come On Your Ipod Shuffle.

It is 4 minutes to midnight, but today has been the crrrrrraziest day. So I'll hurry and get it done (: Lemme go get my ipod.

Christmas Lights -Daphne Loves Derby
Crossroads -Addison May
King of Anything -Sara Bareilles
Girls Do What They Want -The Maine
Separate Ways -Journey
I Wanna Dance With Somebody -Whitney Houston
Smile Like You Mean It -The Killers
Love Story -Taylor Swift
You Are Loved -Josh Groban
Story of a Girl -Nine Days

Pretty good representation of my ipod (:
Love music.
Love, Laurs.

P.S. Thank you to the lovely Grace Holloway for reminding me to post this. xo

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Outfits of the First Week of School

These are pictures of what I've worn to school this week [and Sunday].
Just thought yall might enjoy, because I sure have.
Love to all!
P.S. Yeah; I cropped my head out of these because a lot of them were pre- hair and makeup [:


Tuesday Cutsie. Let's Share!

Wednesday -I love this outfit. It was really chill.

If yall want to know where I bought anything and how much it was, feel free to ask (:

Currrrrrrly Hair.

I love the days that I wear my hair naturally curly (: Today is one of those days.
Yesterday was a terrible and depressing day. Sorry bout that.
But today is a new better and it's gonna be a better day.

I loaded my ipod up with Tegan and Sara [man, I love them] and then I just decided to
have a good attitude.
It makes such a difference.

When I get home I'm gonna upload pictures of my outfits this week. I've been loving putting outfits together. Clothing designer?
Hm. Maybe. Hah.

Yeah, anywho, sorry for depressing blogs yesterday.
More wondrous ones in the future!

Love, Laura Em.

Day Fourteen. A Picture of You and Your Family.

I love my family a lot. They are special and wonderful people.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you ever

have those days where everything seems hopeless?
When it seems like nothing is ever going to work out for you
and you're never going to mean something to anyone
and every fiber of the world is just out to get you?
Like it wouldn't make a difference if you were here or not?

That's today..

Day Thirteen. Celebrity Crush.

Ashton Kutcher. Being interviewed for "Valentine's Day". Which in fact is a cute movie.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day Twelve. How You Found Out About Blogspot and Why You Made One.

Uhm. Well, funny story actually. I was in French class. And I just started to write about my feelings and life because, well, I love to write. Then I decided I needed to type it up and save it somewhere. So I typed 'blog' into my google search button and TADA. Blog.

Go read my first entry. :) It's inspiring to think about.


First Day of School.

I shall post pictures of my-first-day-outfit later (:

Right now I'm in AP Research (just like a homework lab). Yeah, super easy. I don't even have anything to do.
Imma likin it.

I don't have too many classes with friends, but that's alright. I make friends easily (:
I just wrote my brother in Brazil. He is so awesome. <3

Not much to say.. I am bored out of my mind and have nothing to do.
It's weird, I don't feel like I should be a senior. When I was little I would look at seniors and think 'Wow. They are seniors in high school. They are so old.'
Guess what... I'm not that old. Bummer.
I'm still just a kid.

Growing up is pretty weird..

Ah. Best song just came on my ipod. What, you ask?
'Where Does the Good Go -Tegan and Sara'
Go Youtube it. It's fabulous. Or buy it off of Itunes. Tegan and Sara are definitely worth it. So is their song [probably my favorite of theirs] called 'Like H, Like O.'
They are kinda weird and definitely different, but be open minded and give em a try!

So. School. Uhm. I probably will have a lot better entries than this in the future. Promise you. It's 10 am and this is Laur. Signing out.
Love to you all.
Have a fabulous Monday. Or don't. But I would choose to if I were you!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day Eleven. Youtube Video.

A youtube video.
One of my favorites.
Click now.
This one is also fabulously humorous.
Another one.

Go read my post below, it is a great post, if I do say so myself.
Love, Laura Emily.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Excuse me.. Uhm. Summer?

Where did you go summer?
Tonight I told a complete stranger I thought he was attractive. Because, well, he was.
He was a RED HEAD. Red heads are wondrous. Absolutely. Ask my best friend in Texas, he's a redhead.
I'm praying for you Logan. Love you!
I love redheads.
Tonight I went to the fair!
Speaking of red heads. I went with my lovely friend from work. Her name is Andrea and she is a riot. She is super cute and just so much fun to be with. We get along very well. She was super motivational on my quest to tell the attractive boy with red hair that I thought he was cute. (I may have said he was attractive. The moment passed me by so quickly.)
I then bought this amazing ring from a handmade jewelry boutique. I love unique jewelry. Beauty, such beauty.
Andrea is fluent in Spanish, so she told me what they were saying when they weren't speaking to us. Good thing they weren't plotting anything iniquitous. Anyways, love the ring. --Don't mind my unpolished nails. Not much of a polisher myself.
We then ate deep fried Oreos. The most unhealthy thing I have ever eaten. [Debatable].
Topped off with powdered shuga. Mm baby. Probably gave me a potential heart attack in one bite.
I'm pretty sure it was worth it.
Rides were super expensive. But it was still great fun. We watched a rock band competition with different "bands". Unfortunately the 'Lady Killers' [after which we named them the DBB -D bag band- won the contest. Wretched. But mirthful nonetheless.
So yeah, it was a super great night. Marvelous way to spend the last Saturday of the summer.
For sure.

I can't believe summer is coming to an end. It's sad.
It's reminds me of that song by my favorite band [Well, in the top 3].
Go listen to it here.
It's all bout growing up and moving on.
I will rock my senior year.
I will make the most of it.
I will make new friends, and keep old ones.
I will live life like nobody's business.

You never know when it'll be your last chance to tell a redhead you think they're cute.

My love to all. Laura.

Day Ten. A Food You Could Live Off Of.

Oh mother of nature.

I could definitely live off of orange chicken from Panda Express. Mmm. I'm dying just thinking about it.
Panda Express holds lots of fun memories, with lots of different people, for me. Anyone who knows and loves me, knows I love Panda.
xoxoxo. To Panda. And to life.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day Nine. Something You're Proud of in the Past Month

Uhm. I cleaned my bathroom and my room. Both huge, freakin projects. And I've kept them clean. That is the beauty.


The only bad thing about being sure of yourself and outgoing:

People forget you have feelings too.

I'm always expected to brush it off and laugh..

Maybe I don't want to anymore.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Pretty obsessed with dresses right now. That's all.


Day Eight. Short terms goals for this month and Why.

Well.. This month is practically over. Hm. Oh well.

Keep my room clean. -I've been doing so good at this for the past month, I just need to keep it up.
Start school off great. Do all my homework, etc. -It'll make everything much less stressful.
Keep stretching, get closer to my splits. -I'll need it for Adv. Dance..
Lose weight! -I need to lose several pounds.

Yeah (: That's about it. Really boring, I know. But. Alas. That's what I'm gonna try and do.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day Seven. A Picture of You and Your Closest Friend.

This was hard to choose because I have quite a few close friends. But this is probably the person who knows me best in this whole world. My brother, Andrew. Definitely my closest friend.
I love you bud. Boss it.

P.S. Yeah.. I cheated. I did this a day ahead. Because on MY computer, it's technically Day 7. K? :) Hah.


I have 5 best friends.
And tonight I said goodbye to the third one of them. Andrew and Logan are on missions.
And now Ali is off to Indiana for college.
Sloan and Con with be leaving this Saturday.
I just parked in the bank parking lot and cried.

I'm not very good at goodbyes.
This girl is so sweet and so cute. She knows be better than a lot of people.
And I love her so much.
I don't remember crying like this since my brother left.
Goodbyes just aren't my thing...

I love you Al! I always will.
We'll be together soon..

Too much crying tonight. Love.

P.S. So much for dieting alll freaking day. I ended up with a 64 oz Dr. Pepper to undo my whole day of good/no eating. Sigh. Better luck next time.

Day Six. A Picture of You from 2007.

Wtfreak.. Most random thing ever. Haha. Okay. Me and my little sister. 2007. New years eve actually. So almost 2008.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'mma Cynic. So Sue Me.

Tonight I watched a young couple come into my work. They were holding hands, and as I continued to watch them, I realized I was mentally having a conversation with the girl.
"He will hurt you. I promise he will. He will let you think that you mean the world to him.
You don't."

Since when did I become such a cynic to love? Well, since I've watched it fail over and over again. Miserably.
Yes, I have seen it work out. With my parents. And family members. That's about it.
I realized that having been crushed by guy after guy has done damage to my mental view of
Not just normal crushing. But cheating and lying.
Love is a wonderful, beautiful thing. I still believe in love.... Don't I?

Every time I see a couple in public, even if they aren't all over each other, I automatically think the worst. "He's cheating on you." "He doesn't even love you anymore." "He's using you."
A friend was telling me about his first kiss the other day when he said "But I don't want to do it too much. I want to keep it special." My automatic thought was "Yeah right."

I really do WANT to believe in love. I'm so grateful for aunts and uncles, and my mother and my father. For showing me what true love is.

I'm gonna work on this whole "believing in love" thing.
And I'm grateful to the genuinely good guys out there. Treat your women right.
K??? K.

Thanks for listening to my random cynical-ness.
Loves. Laura.

Day Five. What You Would Find In My Bag

Okay. So this is slightly blurry, but it's my purse and it's contents.

Brown vintage leather bag: Decades
Gold wallet: Forever 21
2 panti liners
2 pens
Orbit gum
Sticky note with days to ask off work
My keys/keychains
The latest letter from one of my best friends Logan!

This is super random :) Hope you enjoyed my purse. And hope yall are still loving my blog.

My #1

Bucket List. This is my number one. To see this. Or something like it. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wonders to Behold.

Upon it's arrival, this weekend brought me something magnificent. My first shooting star. My dear friend Elise couldn't imagine that I was seeing my first shooting star at 17 years young, but indeed, I did.
I overheard [Okay, so facebook told me] that there was to be a meteor shower this week.

When I first saw it --posted on the lovely Sloan's status-- I began to think of the universe. It has always blown my mind.
We are so small, this life is microscopic compared to the many worlds out there. I believe in so many other worlds; in the life of others.

Strictly speaking, I believe in God. I don't know how one couldn't. This picture below [however dramatic it may be] is a shooting star. To create something as beautiful and wondrous as that, is beyond me.
Lately I have so much I want to say, but I feel like I post much too often. The 30 Day Challenge piece is feeling more like a chore than feeling like my lovely blogging. But it is fun, ain't it?
I'm just going to keep on posting here frequently, you don't have to read it all, or even any of it.
It's just good to get out.
Ya know?

Lots of love. Out into the universe. Laur.

Day Four. A Photo You Took.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

There's so much i wish i could take back.. Especially time. The summer is coming to an end. People are leaving. This is so hard..

Day Three. The Meaning Behind Your Blogger Name

So I've been noticing people doing these daily blogs, where each day has a different theme or rule. This should be fun. If you're interested in doing the challenge as well, let me know!

Hmm. Written. Hmmm. I guess I am writing my life.
That is why it is what it is. I've figured out who I am. My story has been written so far. And I keep on writing.

This life really is amazing. I love who I am. <3

So yeah, my life is Written, and in the process of being Written.

Start to write your life. Be inspired. Be who you are. All that great cheesy stuff. ;)


Friday, August 13, 2010

Day Two. What I Did Today

So I've been noticing people doing these daily blogs, where each day has a different theme or rule. This should be fun. If you're interested in doing the challenge as well, let me know!

Well. Ya see.. I don't exactly know if we are counting since the am. Haha. Because from 12 to 2 am I was designing outfits. Then I went to sleep and woke up around 12:30. I'm a lazy butt, I know. I woke up and read scriptures. Then wrote my 100th blog. Took a shower. Met Elise at Walmart. Bought some soda. A hot guy with earrings rang me up. Then we went to Elise's house and looked at her photography and made some CDs. Then to Cutlers for a tasy sandwich and chat with my dear cousin, Shelby. Then to home for dinner. Chilled with the family. Did the dishes. Went back and met Elise and Sloan at Smoochies. Had a wonderful chat. :) Went back to Elise's house so she could get ready.. For what, I am not sure. Haha. Then went to my house. MADE COOKIES :D We took them to our lovely dear Macae, and Logan's family! Had a wonderful talk with both of them. I love people so dearly. Then went to meet up with some people at Smoot park. Where we met up with other people we knew unexpectedly! Played on the swings. Talked. Hung out. Fun stuff. Then the night ended with us getting pulled over because Elise had a tail light out. Hahahahah. GEEZ. Scared us to death. Now I'm just sleepin over at her house. Party.
Anyways. Woot. It was a pretty wonderful day. Tomorrow I need to work on some stuff and then party at six. I'm so freakin excited.
I'm loving my life. Summer is wonderful, and I'm going to make the most out of the senior year. Thank you for reading this wonderous blog. Sometimes wild, sometimes boring.

My love to you guys.

My 100th Post!!!!

Wow. Cool. My 100th post. I love this blog and I love my life. I have so much to be grateful for. I have a supporting family and the coolest, greatest friends. I am a dancer and I have so many opportunities. I love this life I lead and I'm so grateful for all of you that read this blog.

My love to you all. Thank you for the comments and support.


P.S. I'll do my 30 day challenge later today.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day One. Recent picture of you and 5 random facts.

So I've been noticing people doing these daily blogs, where each day has a different theme or rule. This should be fun. If you're interested in doing the challenge as well, let me know!

1. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. Thanks goodness I have a job where I can have as much as I want.

2. Just about my whole wedding is planned out. Minus the groom. I will spend hours searching for pictures of my dress, ring, flowers, etc. I just love weddings.

3. My phone is 2 years old. And it's been through just about everything. Thrown off an ATV going 40 mph. Keypad has fallen out -- then taped back in. The list goes on and on. Named it Ghetto.

4. My feet smell super icky right now. Just got off work. Ha. I'm sure you wanted to know that one my peoples.

5. I want to become a famous blogger some day. Follow me. :)

All my love.

Aint this cute?

Sorry. I haven't been as usual with my blogging.

Hey there peeps. :) Been pretty busy lately. Chilling in my new car. I LOVE it. But guess what.. The CD player doesn't work :( Sigh. Oh well.
So last night slept over at Elise's. She slept over at mine the night before. Did some school shopping. Yada yada. We made this hilarious awesome rap last night. Coolest thing of my life. Haha. And my friend Mitch has a recording studio, sooo we recorded it :) Haha.

Uhm. Still loving my car.
REEEALLY need to get crackin on my AP summer project
You guys, SCHOOL STARTS SO SOON. I might die :( :( :(

Sorry; What a lame post. Love to all :) Laur.

Monday, August 9, 2010


This is my new car. Ah. So freaking happy right now.

It may not be much. But it's mine.

What a Life.

Looked at buying a car today. Might be getting it :) It's so cute.
Gotta head to work in a little. Mehhh.
Room and bathroom are still clean. HECK YEAH. Lol.
On thursday I'm going to a pool party.
Friday is the Waking Ashland concert. Ooooo. :)
Saturday is the huge end of summer party.
My week is about to be awesome.
I seriously need to get crackin on that AP summer english project. Bleh.

Just a little update. My life is great. :) Love to all.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


My face is so big on this page..

There's a random tidbit from my thoughts.

I love my blog. :) I hope you do too. Invite people to follow, post it on your blog. I dunno, just get this baby out there! Ha.

Love from here, Laura.

Loving these.

Don't even ask why, because I'm not even sure. But I am just loving these photos.

*P.S. I don't take credit for any of these. All credit goes to the people who took the pictures. Just fyi.*

"I used to say to myself 'What the devil have you got to be proud of, Marilyn Monroe?' and I'd answer 'Everything, everything.'"

I wish I was one of them. Cute little tutus and all.

What a wondeful thought for a tattoo. I do like.

Creepy, I know. But it's slightly thrilling. I almost wish I was her.

I love.

Definitely going to remember this for next summer.

Photography is so beautiful. I'm obsessed. But right now I should sleep. More later. Loves.


There's new blog stuff everywhere you turn :) Are you loving it?! I certainly am. I love my blog so much. This template is much more simple, and I'm loving the simplicity.

It was time for a change.

Speaking of changes, school starts in a couple weeks. :( I am absolutely dreading it. I feel like I'll have to make all new friends since most of my friends are going off to college. :( I feel like I won't fit in anywhere.. I will just have to pray. Everyday.

I wish all the time could be summer time.

School sucks. :/

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Somebody Help Me Out

How do I tag things in posts? For the life of me, I don't know how.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Something I'm Really Excited About

Lyrics. My dresser. Three hours. Five sharpies. Creativity.
I invite you to click on this, and zoom in.

Only Hope -Mandy Moore
Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson
Wait For You -Elliot Yamin
Me -Faith Hill
Anything But Ordinary -Avril Lavigne
Risque -Cute Is What We Aim For
Listen to your Heart -The Maine
Watch Me Shine -Joanna Pacitti
Iris -Goo Goo Dolls
Everybody -Backstreet Boys

Thank you guys for reading and following. It inspires me.


Yeah. I'm super tired. But last night was our sisterhood sleepover. Man, I love those girls like none other. We are each so unique. It'll be our last one till Decemeber? Gee wiz...

Me and Ali are going to clean my room today! Yayyy. I might be switching rooms too! We'll see. I really just need more closet space.. My closet is TINY. :(

Helped Ali clean up her room yesterday. Whata project. Haha. Going camping tomorrow. I really don't want to. I'm going to see if I can get out of it.

Uhm. Wow. This is an uneventful post. Sorry charlie.


Monday, August 2, 2010

64 oz Double Gulp

From 7 11. Tiny bit of ice. Dr. Pepper.

That is really what I'm craving right now. I need to invest in a car. My parents keep saying we're gonna find one.. But we aren't. Ugh. It's getting super frustrating.

Whatever. I don't feel like writing anymore.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fw: Auuugust? What!?

Okay. So now I am blogging from my email. Whiiich, I don't really see the point in. Unless you are on a computer where blogspot is blocked? Hm. Idk. Just for fun I guess (: I hate typing with these acrylic nails. Love them though. Speaking of which, my lovely cousin Shelby just gave me and pedi and we talked about life. I do love life. I just need to get back on the right track. I'm definitely in a shlump. It's gotta change.

I found out blogging isn't that awesome from my phone. Wanna know why? Well. Because. If I send more than one page, which, uhm, hello, it's me, then it posts it as different blog entries for each page. LAME. Bah. Oh well. It was almost cool.

You guys, IT'S AUGUST. Crap. Where'd the summer go!??!? Sigh. Things I need to do before school starts:

Get a new phone plan/new phone
Buy a car... crrrrrap.
AP English project..
(Shoot. None of this is fun stuff so far.)
Sisterhood sleepover :) Last one of the summer before the girls head off to college..
Last camping trip with my family
Stretch, stretch, stretch. Man, I have let my flexibility go :(

UHm. :) Yeah. AHHHHH. 22 days of freedom left :( I gotta make the most of it.
Tomorrow I got back to work after 5 days in a row off. Nonsense. Ugh. Lucky to have a job... But.. But.. My summer.


:) I love you all. Thanks for reading.
Yours truly.