Sunday, March 28, 2010


All good things must come to an end I suppose. I am strong though.. Some advice my friend Sloan gave to me today:
It's so so hard to let go of something you never thought you have to. the worst thing you could do is let this bring you down. You have got to stay busy. I want you to look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself that you are a chosen daughter of God, and that you are going to live life to the fullest for Him.

No boy is going to define you. You are beautiful, and you are exactly what you're supposed to be. Even though things didn't work out exactly how you wanted, it doesn't mean that something better isn't in store for you in the long run..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lovings of life

Second day in a row writing on my blog? Wow. Who am I? I guess I will do anything to procrastinate my take home test due... Oh, ya know, tomorrow.

Tonight tonight tonight. Weird night, but very good night. Went to Adam's grandmother's birthday party. That boy is pretty easy to read, not gonna lie, haha. I could feel the uncomfortableness staring me in the back. Poor, sweet boy. He is so strong.. I am trying to be less offended by little things, sharing is not one of my strong points, and sharing him is even harder. Haha, but I am improving. Oh, I love to be with him. He is so random and hilarious, and he laughs at his own jokes. Which makes me laugh even harder. Mmmm. He has me wrapped around his finger.

I PASSED MATH!!!!!!!!!!! D- BABY. K. Many of you may think I am a terrible person for thinking that is a good thing, but it is a HECK of a lot better than an F. Agreed???? AGREED. Oh happy day. I am going to do so much better this term. Promise. :) [hopefully I stick to it..]

What I believe in:
My Father in Heaven
Friends who are true

Things I don't believe in:
Love at first sight
Luck {Sorry Adam, I know you love the Irish, but i just don't}
Root canals.. Or dentists for that matter.
Long distance relationships
People deserving to die
Giving up

Yeah, those are my thoughts for the night. Just some stuff I believe. Uhhhhhh. I hate distance. And stubbornness. But when the two are put together, it makes me feel like driving 90 mph..
Mmmm. Random change of mood. I am finally going to finish my homework. Barf. Peace.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Time to update?

So, from the new picture you can see some changes. Short hair (looks terrible in that picture, I promise it looks better when it is straight) and Adam. My boy. [I must refrain from calling him my boyfriend, my parents are pretty strict on the mattter.] More about him later.

Life is.. eh.. Getting there I guess. School is a drag. But it is the end of the term the beginning of a new one. SO excited for a new start. I need it. I need something fresh.

Dance. Oh my how I love it. This wednesday we are going to RDT, I believe, and taking a class there. Oh my how excited I am, a professional dance company. Just imagine. Also, our concert is in April. It's all about wind. Not a fan of the piece yet, but it is coming along I suppose.

My brother. In Brazil, serving the Lord. :) I am so proud of my best friend. His testimony sounds like it is growing by the minute. And weird to think he is over there speaking a different language. Who are you!?! Hah. I miss him.

Logsie. Haha, Logan I mean. Uhm.. Honestly haven't written him in a while. I need to make it up by sending him a package and some pictures. He's in Oklahoma instead of Texas now. Weird, huh? He sent me some pics from the mission. Cute.

AAAAAAAdam. Oh what a boy. Mmm. He is nearly perfect. He knows how to treat girls. Maturity is something I find very attractive I have learned these past couple months. We talk about the most random and pointless things, but I love every second of it. My favorite place to be is by him. He has suuuuuch blue eyes.

Yeah, there you have my update. Pray that I pass math.. Please. I need it.

Holla to the world.