Sunday, January 23, 2011

I know, I know,

it's been a while, and for that, I apologize.
you guys.
brace yourselves.

i am inexplicably happy.

and i don't think this is just a fluke. [i have happy flukes quite often, where i convince myself i'm happy and i end up hating myself.]
pretty positive i am happy.

and i'm not exactly sure why.
i've made new friends that i love.
my testimony has grown.
i've stopped judging people completely; i am so open to people now.
i've let go of grudges and it feels good.

this week i saw a shooting star, as i was driving home; i was talking to my friend about it and she asked "what'd you wish for?"

i thought for a second with a little bit of panic and realized i hadn't even thought of wishing for something. what the crap. ha.

but then i realized.

i didn't wish for anything; i feel like i have everything.

truly. i do.
and it's an amazing feeling; being happy with what you have.

yes; college crap, and work, and school, and nonsense still stresses me out completely; yes, i still have grey days, who doesn't?

but i've made my choice; i'm happy.
and for the first time in a really long time, i feel like i'm where i'm supposed to be at in my life.
LIBERATING, is really the only word i can come up with right now.

this photo here is how i've been living my life lately:
i've decided i am going to try as many new experiences as possible.
i climbed a pavilion roof the other day. that was exciting.
i am also going car surfing soon.

two confessions.
one) i fall hard, and i fall fast. but this time, i'm taking it slow. and i love it. it's new for me to not rush things. it's hard for sure, really hard, but i'm happy where i'm at.

two) i'm dying to get away from home. i can't stand it anymore. thank heavens for this week to come.. i need to move out.. don't get me wrong, i love my family. but..

so that's about it. life is really good. i think about school and i'm like --man, i hate my life-- but in all reality, i don't think at this point in time i am capable of hating my life; because i'm being who i am.
ultra cheeeese.
hope you enjoy my cheesiness as much as i do. (:




Unknown said...

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SILVIA said...

love your style!!!
great blog!!!
follow u