Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Too Much Clothes.

That is the title of my post, because today I came to the realization that I had to do my laundry. Had to. I don't even know if my washer/dryer can handle all my laundry. I just have way too much clothes and I'm not willing to give any of it up. I already gave away four bags this summer. It's getting out of hand. Did I already blog about this? Hm. I don't remember, but I am again if I already did.

Here is the problem; My closet= TINY. So. Small.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Please give ideas. I am contemplating turning my bookcase into a place to fold pants and put belts/scarves/jewelry/shoes etc?? I just don't know. It is getting out of control and all my beautiful clothes are ending up on the floor. No good. [Ew, I sound like a priss.]
And the biggest problem is... I just keep buying more.
I am a thrift store addict, someone needs to intervene.

Enough about clothes, there is more to life than clothes.

School. Uhm. I don't really want to talk about it.. I am dropping math. If you don't like that, you can suck it. Also, AP English is kind of kicking my trash; not because it's hard, just because the senioritis is spreading like a virus. Come Christmas Break I will be back on track. I just need a nice little vacation.

Dance. Holy dance. I have been dancing so much lately and my body is just exhausted. Besides the two beginning classes that I help teach every other day, I also have my advanced class on the other days, and on top of that I've been having extra rehearsals after school because we are performing in a Christmas assembly on Friday. I am pretty dang excited, but just so exhausted, mentally and physically. P.S. Remind me to post a photo of our dance costumes. They are insanity. Literally. Our dance piece is all about the imagination, and let's just say.. Those costumes are friggin' imaginative.

This week I haven't been able to stop playing this song. I'm in love with Florence and The Machine. Yuuum.

My life consists of Jazz 32 oz. cups with Dr. Pepper. Oh Subway. Thanks for providing me a job, and free sandwiches and drinks. Oh and 'broken' cookies. My job is pretty cool.

I think I've covered about everything I felt like covering. Also, I would like it to rain as soon as humanly possible so I can check this off of my list of things to do:

xoxo -Laur.

Oh. And P.S. I'm not quite sure why, but this site is my favo.


Anna said...

I'm not super into fashion or the olsen twins for that matter, but olsens anonymous is SO AWESOME.

edepaige. said...

Okay, so I had the same problem. I couldn't find the exact one that I have on the website, but it kinda looks like that-except that it has like the clear boxes that go into it. It's at Walmart for like twenty bucks in the storage section. Also, I've organized (like deciding which ones needed to be folded and hung up) my closet, and found some some surprising room! Hahah. Just an idea. :)

Laura Em said...

Anna: Ditto that. I just like the stalkerishness of it all. haha.

Eden: Thanks! I like that, but I need more hanging space too. hm. For sure am going to do some rearranging.

Steph Romney said...

SO i was used to having my personally designed closet space at home, and when i moved into my apartment this year i kinda almost had a panic attack. (now who's sounding like a priss?) i think using shelves or a dresser is a GREAT idea. ALSO. i went through and put all my clothes that are out of season in boxes under my bed. check out this post:
and see how much closet space i have. only HALF of that tiny closet is mine. so i put all my blazers/blouses/tanks/etc that needed to be hung and folded everything else in my dresser. good luck!